For most people, purchasing a vehicle is going to be the largest purchase you will make in your life with the exception of buying a house! Most of us spend a great amount of time, effort, and money to maintain our home in order to improve or maintain its value. Why wouldn’t you do the same for your second-largest purchase – your vehicle – to protect its value and extend its useful life?

You can get that kind of protection for your vehicle, and peace of mind for yourself, from Shine Werks. We are pleased to offer our customers two levels of protection products that carry a warranty. These warranties are the best in the industry and provide you with a strong level of comfort that your vehicle is thoroughly protected for many years. These products are: undercoating/rust proofing, paint protection and interior and fabric protection. These products are designed to extend the service life and to protect the value of your vehicles. Also, when you maintain the appearance of your business vehicle, you present your best face to the public, helping to promote your business image.

Platinum Protection

The Platinum Protection Products have long been the standard in the industry for the level of protection they provide and the depth of the warranty program. Our Platinum Protection Products include:

Platinum Rust Protection is our first premium undercoating and rust proofing product. It provides maximum protection against rust perforation caused by road salt and ocean spray. Platinum Rust does not drip and no holes are drilled in your vehicle during application. Platinum Rust carries a 10-year warranty against rust perforation on new vehicles. This warranty is pro-rated based on mileage and age for used vehicles.

Platinum Sound Shield is the integral companion to Platinum Rust. It provides additional protection from road salt for your vehicle and also helps to reduce road noise. Platinum Sound Shield carries a 10-year warranty on new vehicles. This warranty is pro-rated based on mileage and age for used vehicles.

Platinum Shine is a paint sealant/wax that bonds to the clear coat paint on your vehicle. This sealant protects the paint on your vehicle from deterioration caused by acid rain, bird droppings, tree sap and ultra-violet rays. Platinum Shine carries a 5-year warranty on new vehicles. This warranty is pro-rated based on mileage and age for used vehicles.

Platinum Interior is treatment for the seats, carpets, door panels, armrests and dash to protect it from stains, fading and discolouration. We use various products to treat all the leather, cloth, carpet, and plastics on your vehicle. Platinum Interior carries a 5-year warranty on new vehicles. This warranty is pro-rated based on mileage and age for used vehicles.

When all four of the Platinum Products are purchased together, we refer to them as the Platinum Pro Package. When the Pro Package is purchased, you receive, at no additional cost, a 5-year surface rust warranty.

For more information, pricing, and to make an appointment please call (902) 446 9274 or e-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Ultimate Protection

Just coming on stream is our new line of Ultimate Protection Products. These products feature greatly expanded coverage of the items covered under the warranty and provide a new level of peace of mind. Our Ultimate Protection Products include:

Ultimate Rust Protection is our second premium undercoating and rust proofing product with an expanded warranty. Like the Platinum Rust protection, it provides maximum protection against rust perforation caused by road salt and ocean spray. Ultimate Rust does not drip and no holes are drilled in your vehicle during application. Ultimate Rust provides a 10-year warranty against corrosion perforation on new vehicles. But, rather than pro-rate the warranty for used vehicles, the Ultimate Rust Protection provides a 10-year warranty on vehicles up to five years old – ultimate protection for your older vehicle. The Ultimate Rust Protection is available only with the purchase of the Ultimate Shine and Ultimate Interior protection products.

Ultimate Sound Shield is the integral companion to Ultimate Rust. It provides additional protection from road salt for your vehicle. Additionally, it helps to reduce road noise. Ultimate Sound Shield carries a 10-year warranty on new vehicles and older vehicles up to five years old.

Ultimate Shine expands the warranty coverage of the Platinum Shine for deterioration of paint caused by acid rain, bird droppings, tree sap, and ultra-violet rays. Additional coverage is provided against weather-induced fading, chalking, or loss of gloss, insect damage, hard water spots, de-icing agents/road salt, ocean spray, industrial fallout and accidental paint overspray. As well, the Ultimate Shine warranty coverage is extended from 5 years to 7 years from the time of purchase. The Ultimate Shine can only be purchased together with the Ultimate Interior.

Ultimate Interior expands the warranty coverage of the Platinum Interior. In addition to protecting seats, carpets, door panels, arm rests, and dashes from stains, fading and discolouration, the Ultimate Interior expands warranty coverage to include damage caused by bleaches and dyes, mold and mildew, chewing gum, crayons, lipstick/makeup, blood, urine, vomit, rips and tears (less than 6 inches long) and punctures and burns (up to 1 inch in diameter). Like the Ultimate Shine, the warranty for the Ultimate Interior is extended from 5 years to 7 years from the time of purchase. The Ultimate Interior can only be purchased together with the Ultimate Shine.

For more information, pricing and to make an appointment please call (902) 446-9274 or e-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.